2022 г.
Паричните съюзи в историята
30 June
20:00 Dinner speech
1 July
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Introduction
9:30 Keynote Speech
Economists regard money as a means for transactions, store of value, and unit of account. But it can also assume the role of a funding instrument, notably for states. The difference between the first and second role of money has always led to conflicts. But these conflicts have been especially severe when sovereign states gave up their command over money to enter a monetary union.
10:15 Session 1: Monetary unions and economic integration
This session looked at monetary unions in the context of political authority and other historical currencies. Were monetary unions a cause or an effect of economic integration? In the very long run, was the common currency of the Roman Empire (1559) a success? And how does this more ancient experience compare to the outcomes of the much younger Latin Monetary union (1865-1917)? In which ways can a monetary union affect market outcomes and market imbalances? Can we draw lessons for modern era monetary unions?
Moderator: HUGO BÄNZIGER, eabh
currency? A new look at the imperial monetary
union of 1559
OLIVER VOLCKART, London School of Economics EN BG (0 KB)
monetary union
Northwestern University EN BG (0 KB)
standards in Serbia, 1868-1918
National Bank of Serbia EN BG (0 KB)
12:00 Session 2: Monetary unions between continuity and confrontation
The second panel looked at the polarities of monetary unions through the lens of the Irish and Northern European experiences.
Both histories clearly indicate the political costs of keeping or breaking such unions, showcase the resilience of monetary
arrangements in the wider context of political confrontation and discuss today’s not less charged relationship between economic
and political economy and the need to follow the ‘great power conductor’.
Moderator: IVAYLO NIKOLOV, Bulgarian National Bank
From confrontation to conciliation
Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies EN BG (0 KB)
rebuilding the Scandinavian monetary union in
the interwar years
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences EN BG (0 KB)
13:45 Session 3: Markets, states and monetary unions
This part of the conference took a close look at the common currencies of the Habsburg empire and the international socialist monetary system, highlighting the common and varying features of market-based and state let monetary arrangements. Potential discrimination by stronger partners within these unions was also discussed.
Moderator: CHRIS COLVIN, Queen’s University Belfast
socialist monetary system: The council for
mutual economic assistance (1949-1991)
TSVETELINA MARINOVA, New Bulgarian University
ADRIEN FAUDOT, University of Grenoble Alpes
NIKOLAY NENOVSKY, University of Picardie Jules
Verne & Bulgarian National Bank EN BG (0 KB)
monetary union: Evidence from the Austro-
Hungarian Bank
Oesterreichische Nationalbank & CEPR EN BG (0 KB)
14:45 Parallel currencies in history: A policy panel
Central bankers and historians
Moderator: NATHAN SUSSMAN, Graduate Institute Geneva
Panelists: HUGO BÄNZIGER, eabh
KALIN HRISTOV, Bulgarian National Bank
CLEMENS JOBST, University of Vienna
THOMAS MAYER, Flossbach von Storch
FRANÇOIS R. VELDE, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
16:00 Session 4: Inflation, sovereignty and monetary unions
This final session turned to history to ask how to maintain currency stability of foreign exchange markets in the wake of inflation. It discussed the making of the European Monetary Union and before (‘the Snake’) its special relationship with Great Britain and the red thread of our conference: Which are the goals higher than sovereignty, and in the long run, are they worth it?
Moderator: LILIA COSTABILE, University of Naples
during the snake
ALAIN NAEF, Banque de France EN BG (0 KB)
European Monetary System and the formation of
a European monetary union
JULIANE CLEGG, University of Potsdam EN BG (0 KB)
17:00 Closing remarks