Данни за банковата система и за банките по групи* (в хиляди левове), 30.09.2018
(in thousands BGN) Изтегли (273 KB)
(in thousands BGN) Изтегли (82 KB)
* The BNB Banking Supervision Department groups banks in view of outlining the dynamics of processes in the banking system. This grouping does not entail any rating element, and should not be interpreted as rating banks’ financial position. Assigning banks to groups is done based on the amount of their assets and changes as of the end of each reporting period. The first group consists of the largest 5 banks, the second group comprises all the remaining banks, and the third group comprises the branches of foreign banks in Bulgaria.
** As of 1 January 2018 new reporting templates and guidelines for credit institutions are in place according to the implementation of the new standard for reporting of financial instruments IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1443 of 29 June 2017. The file also contains a template of the relevant model with methodological references (metadata). The purpose of the template is to guide users about the underlying principles on the basis of which the data is prepared. More information is available under the "Reporting Requirements" section of the BNB website.
*** The information is based on Macro-Prudential form (MPF1). The file contains methodological notes.